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Monday, July 1, 2024
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What is Infoblendr Earn?

Infoblendr Earn is a unique get paid to read platform initiative by Infoblendr, a leading Sci-Tech website dedicated to providing the latest science news, exploring future tech advancements, and showcasing the wonders of the natural world by reading through articles you mine NEAR.

What sets us apart?

Unlike other "read and get paid" platforms that have fizzled out over time, Infoblendr Earn stands out due to its sustainable ecosystem and unique approach. We've analyzed the shortcomings of similar platforms and addressed them comprehensively. One key differentiator is our commitment to investing in agriculture, specifically livestock farming. This investment not only diversifies our revenue streams but also provides an opportunity for our community members to participate and benefit.

Read published posts

Refer new members

Play post games

New member welcome bonus

Comment on all posts

Login daily

Membership Benefits and How to Earn Money/Mine NEAR

Joining Infoblendr Earn comes with a range of benefits tailored to ensure a rewarding experience for our members:

  • Monthly Revenue Share: Participants earn money/mine NEAR through activity points. By simply logging into their Infoblendr account daily, reading and engaging with posts, commenting, playing H5P games, and sharing posts on social media, users accumulate points that translate into earnings.
  • Affiliate Commission: Upon successful registration, every member becomes an affiliate. This means you can earn additional income by referring others to join Infoblendr Earn.
  • No Membership Fee: Unlike many other platforms, there are no registration fees or hidden costs associated with becoming a member of Infoblendr Earn. Registration is free, making it accessible to everyone interested in exploring online earning opportunities.
  • NEAR Mining: At the end of the day, all points accumulated are converted into NEAR and sent to all members of the community who participated in our post-engagement, making it the first of its kind.

How Can You Earn on Infoblendr Earn

At Infoblendr Earn, there are six primary ways to earn rewards for your activities on the platform. Each action earns you points, which can then be converted into real earnings/NEAR. Here’s a breakdown of how you can accumulate points:

Points for referring a New Member50No Limit
Point for Becoming a New Member100Once
Points for viewing a posts2No limit
Points for completing the Game on Each Post15No limit
Points for Approved Comment5No limit
Points for logging in101 time per day


  • Points for Becoming a Member (100 points): You earn 100 points just by signing up and becoming a member of Infoblendr Earn. This serves as a welcome bonus for joining our community.
  • Points for Viewing a Post (2 points): Every time you view a post on the platform, you earn 2 points. There’s no limit to how many posts you can view, allowing you to accumulate points continuously.
  • Points for Referring a New Member (50 points): By referring a new member to Infoblendr Earn, you earn a generous reward of 50 points for each successful referral. There’s no limit to how many new members you can refer.
  • Points for Approved Comment (5 points): Engage with the community by leaving comments on posts. For each approved comment, you earn 5 points. This encourages active participation and discussion within the community.
  • Points for Completing H5P Content (15 points): Participate in interactive H5P content available on the platform to earn 15 points per completion.
  • Points for Logging In (10 points): Logging into your Infoblendr Earn account rewards you with 10 points. This can be claimed once per day, encouraging daily engagement.

With these multiple avenues for earning points, Infoblendr Earn offers a diverse range of opportunities for members to accumulate rewards and boost their earnings.

Who Can Participate and Why You Should Join the Infoblendr Earn Program?

Infoblendr Earn is open to anyone with daily expenses and a desire to earn money online. Whether you're a student, a fresh graduate, a job seeker, a blogger, a homemaker, or simply someone looking to supplement their income, Infoblendr Earn offers equal opportunities for all. Leverage your social networks, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and phone contacts, to maximize your earning potential and make the most of your time online.

Why Infoblendr Earn Is Ideal for Students and Job Seekers

For students, Infoblendr Earn presents an excellent opportunity to earn extra cash as an affiliate or distributor. Many students face daily financial challenges on campus, and Infoblendr Earn provides a platform where entry is absolutely free, making it accessible to all. In today's evolving economy, with fewer full-time employment opportunities, becoming an affiliate and tapping into online earning opportunities is a wise decision. While we don't promise to eliminate poverty, we do guarantee that Infoblendr Earn can empower you to make significant changes and reduce the uncertainties associated with traditional employment. However, it's essential to have an entrepreneurial spirit and a positive mindset to succeed in this endeavor.

How much is the Cost of Registration

Joining Infoblendr Earn is quick and easy, and best of all, it's completely free! Here's how you can get started:

Register for Free: Simply visit our website and sign up for Infoblendr Earn. There are no registration fees, making it accessible to everyone with at least an Android phone.

Is Infoblendr Earn Right for You?

Affiliate and online businesses aren't for everyone, but if you're eager to break free from financial constraints, work remotely, and grow your business at your own pace, then joining Infoblendr Earn as an affiliate is an excellent choice. While we can't guarantee overnight success, Infoblendr Earn provides a supportive environment where you can chart your path to financial independence. Embrace the opportunity, and take the first step towards becoming your boss with Infoblendr Earn.

Our Point conversion and Withdrawal Process

At Infoblendr Earn, we've implemented two efficient withdrawal plans to ensure that all participants can cash out their earnings seamlessly without any hassle. Here's how you can withdraw your earnings:

Withdrawal Process

We offer two withdrawal methods to cater to the diverse needs of our community members. You can withdraw your earnings to your bank account(Coming Soon) or NEAR wallet (Available). Our goal is to make online earning opportunities accessible to everyone while maintaining the trust and integrity of the Infoblendr Earn Project.

Monthly Revenue Sharing

We operate on a first-come, first-served basis, and active participation is key to maximizing your earnings. Both affiliate commissions and activity earnings are paid out monthly based on your level of engagement and membership duration on the platform. We ensure that no member is left behind, and we publish monthly income details along with the list of beneficiaries. We share 70% of the revenue generated with our community members, ensuring a fair and transparent distribution system.

Minimum Withdrawal

To maintain a good payment strategy, we applied a minimum withdrawal threshold of 6700 points for both activity earnings and affiliate commissions. Withdrawals are processed every last day of the month to promote stability and sustainability within the system. You can expect reasonable and reliable monthly income payments directly to your bank account.

Regular Reviews

To maintain transparency and fairness, member profiles and activities are periodically reviewed on the website, especially on payment days. This ensures that every active member receives their rightful earnings without any delays.

Infoblendr Earn

Disclaimer: Infoblendr Earn is a new program, and individual results may vary. Earnings depend on factors like activity level, engagement, and referrals. Infoblendr Earn does not guarantee significant income.

Infoblendr Earn is not just another online platform promising quick riches; it's a sustainable ecosystem designed to empower its community members with genuine earning opportunities while fostering a thriving community of like-minded individuals. Join us today and embark on your journey towards financial empowerment! With Infoblendr Earn, you can rest assured that your efforts will be rewarded fairly, whether you have referrals or not.